Anti Wrinkle

Fine lines and wrinkles occur when the muscles in the face are constantly active resulting in static and dynamic lines.

Botulinum Toxin A is a naturally occurring toxin used to block the neurotransmitter which stimulates the muscle to contract, thereby relaxing the muscle.

Botulinum Toxin is a prescription only medication, which will only be prescribed following a consultation with our practitioner.

What does the treatment involve?

Our aesthetic practitioner will have a face to face consultation with you to ensure that this treatment is appropriate for you and to discuss your needs and expectations.

What can be treated with Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum Toxin is commonly used to treat:

-Forehead lines
-Frown lines
-Crows feet

Advanced treatment with Botulinum Toxin include:

-Gummy smile
-Bunny lines
-Jaw line slimming
-Neck lift
-Pebbled chin
-Downturned corners of the mouth
-Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

How long until I can see the results?

After your treatment, you should start to see a slight improvement in 6-7 days, but the full result can be seen at 2 weeks.

You will then be advised to attend a follow up appointment at 2 weeks to asses the results and make any adjustments if necessary depending on personal expectations set out before treatment.

How often can I have Botulinum Toxin treatment?

Results of Botulinum Toxin tend to last up to 3-4 months from the time of treatment even though you may begin to see slight muscle movement from 8 weeks. It is advisable to wait at least 3 months before further treatment in the same area.

What are the side effects of Botulinum Toxin?

All injectable treatments are associated with risk but if injected correctly by a qualified practitioner, the risks can be minimal. These will be discussed with you during the consultation before any treatment.

The side effects can include:

-Redness at the site of injection
-Swelling at the site of injection
-Headache for the first 24 hours
-Temporary droopiness in your eyelids/ eyebrows

What are the contraindications of Botulinum Toxin treatment?

You should not be treated if:

-You have a previous known allergy to Botulinum Toxin A
-Under 18 years old
-Taking anticoagulants, anti-platelets or Vitamin E
-Taking aminoglycosides
-Taking calcium antagonists
-Neuromuscular disorders e.g Myasthenia Gravis or Eton-Lambert Syndrome
-History of breathing or swallowing disorders
-Pregnancy or breastfeeding


Prices (Forehead, Frown lines & Crowsfeet

1 area- £ 130
2 areas- £ 230
3 areas- £ 350

Gummy Smile- £160
Dimpled Chin- £160
Eyebrow Lift- £160
Hyperhidrosis- £450
Jawline Slimming- £300

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